Mail Call
Reader Kathanda writes: "I just read your Fear and Loathing article, and I disagree. The religous right doesnt oppose gay-marriage because they hate homosexuals, although im sure there are some out there who do. They do it because they never grasped the whole separation of church and state concept. And please dont respond with some robotic 'institution of marriage' response. If brittany spears can get married for 5 minutes in vegas and the institution is okay, but 2 loving people want to get married, and the institution is shot becuase they happen to both be women, then perhaps the institution isnt worth protecting."
We're not really sure what's meant by "some robotic 'institution of marriage' response", but it should be noted that not only did God create Adam and Eve and not Adam and Steve (or Alana and Eve), but God also instituted marriage. (Hence that whole "Thou shalt not commit adultery" thing.)
Now, if one does not accept marriage as an institution ordained of God, then all bets are off.
However, the damage done by this mockery called "homosexual marriage" is not done to the institution itself, but to society. And yes, Britney and her 55-hour "marriage" are just as detrimental. Civilization at its finest is built upon the foundation of the family, which begins with one man marrying one woman (polygamy -- or more accurately, polygyny -- is a can of worms best left unopened at this juncture).
We can't help but wonder, of course, just how long that much-vaunted "separation of church and state" will last once the militant homosexuals start demanding that their mockery be solemnized by and recognized by the church of their choice. We've already expressed our own support for the separation idea by pointing out that the real danger is not what the church would otherwise do to the state, but what the state will do to the church.