Quote Of The Year
Trust Kim to earn this honor.
Last person I heard of who was completely immune to temptation ended up being executed by the State anyway.
The rest of his blog is also well worth reading.
Musings, observations, rantings and commentary by a libertarian Christian Zen Master.
Trust Kim to earn this honor.
Last person I heard of who was completely immune to temptation ended up being executed by the State anyway.
Let's see if we understand this correctly:
Oh, dear. It seems the totalitarian ChiComs don't much care for us. We've been blocked by The Great Firewall of China.
(Hat tip to Vox Day for this one.)
If you haven't been reading Kim du Toit, you really should. This piece is pretty representative. Now for our
Last person I heard of who was completely immune to temptation ended up being executed by the State anyway.
Comes now yet another story of left-wing lunacy from none other than hopeless Presidential candidate John "Breck Girl" Edwards (Dimwit, NC). Seems the ambulance chaser has decided that it's not enough to provide regular health care at someone else's expense, now he wants to provide preventive care as well. (How did this cretin ever get elected to the Senate? Did the voters in the Tarheel State get him confused with Liddy Dole?)
...is summed up nowhere better than here.